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Главная » Книги » Электроника » Radio and Electronics Cookbook

Электроника, Радио и TV: Radio and Electronics Cookbook

Radio and Electronics Cookbook
Название: Radio and Electronics Cookbook
Автор: Brown G.
Издательство: Newnes, RSGB
Год: 2001
Страниц: 330
Язык: Английский

Originally published by the Radio Society of Great Britain, the projects were all chosen to be useful and straightforward, with the emphasis on practicality. In most cases the workings of the circuit are described, and the projects are backed up by small tutorials on the components and concepts employed. In the 21st century it may seem strange that few of the published circuits use integrated circuits (chips). This is intentional as it is much easier to understand how the circuit works when using discrete components.





Preface ix

1. A medium-wave receiver 1

2. An audio-frequency amplifier 4

3. A medium-wave receiver using a ferrite-rod aerial 9

4. A simple electronic organ 12

5. Experiments with the NE555 timer 17

6. A simple metronome 21

7. What is a resistor? 24

8. Waves – Part 1 27

9. A beat-frequency oscillator 31

10. What is a capacitor? 34

11. Waves – Part 2 38

12. An LED flasher 41

13. Waves – Part 3 44

14. Choosing a switch 46

15. An aerial tuning unit for a receiver 49

16. A simple 2 m receiver preamplifier 52

17. Receiving aerials for amateur radio 54

18. The Colt 80 m receiver – Part 1 58

19. A crystal radio receiver 62

20. The varactor (or varicap) diode 64

21. A portable radio for medium waves 65

22. The Colt 80 m receiver – Part 2 70

23. A simple transistor tester 73

24. An introduction to transmitters 77

25. The Colt 80 m receiver – Part 3 81

26. A two-way Morse practice system 88

27. The Colt 80 m receiver – Part 4 91

28. A simple crystal set 95

29. A crystal calibrator 100

30. A simple short-wave receiver – Part 1 104

31. A fruit-powered medium-wave radio 106

32. A capacitance bridge 109

33. A simple short-wave receiver – Part 2 113

34. A basic continuity tester 117

35. A charger for NiCad batteries 119

36. An 80 metre crystal-controlled CW transmitter 123

37. A solar-powered MW radio 129

38. A receiver for the 7 MHz amateur band 133

39. Diodes for protection 137

40. An RF signal probe 140

41. An RF changeover circuit 142

42. A low-light indicator 146

43. A J-pole aerial for 50 MHz 149

44. Measuring light intensity – the photometer 153

45. A 70 cm Quad loop aerial 156

46. A UHF field strength meter 160

47. Christmas tree LEDs 162

48. An audio signal injector 166

49. Standing waves 168

50. A standing-wave indicator for HF 170

51. A moisture meter 174

52. Simple aerials 177

53. A breadboard 80 cm CW transmitter 182

54. A 7-element low-pass filter for transmitters 186

55. Radio-frequency mixing explained 189

56. A voltage monitor for a 12 V power supply 192

57. A 1750 Hz toneburst for repeater access 196

58. A circuit for flashing LEDs 201

59. Digital logic circuits 205

60. A resistive SWR indicator 210

61. An audio filter for CW 213

62. An electronic die 215

63. The absorption wavemeter 222

64. An HF absorption wavemeter 224

65. A vertical aerial for 70 cm 228

66. A UHF corner reflector aerial 230

67. A switched dummy load 234

68. A simple Morse oscillator 238

69. A bipolar transistor tester 240

70. The ‘Yearling’ 20 m receiver 245

71. Adding the 80 metre band to the Yearling receiver 251

72. How the Yearling works 255

73. A field strength meter 258

74. Preselector for a short-wave receiver 261

75. An audible continuity tester 265

76. An experimental 70 cm rhombic aerial 268

77. Water level alarm 272

78. A delta loop for 20 metres 275

79. A simple desk microphone 279

80. Morse oscillator 284

81. A simple 6 m beam 287

82. An integrated circuit amplifier 291

83. A novice ATU 293

84. CW QRP transmitter for 80 metres 297

85. An audio booster for your hand-held 303

86. A grid dip oscillator 306

87. A CW transmitter for 160 to 20 metres 312

88. Matching the end-fed random-wire aerial 315



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