How to build your own CNC machine and some accessories. There are lots of variables to choose from.
The construction and safe operation of these devices is the sole responsibility of the reader. If you do not know what you are doing then do not try to build these projects. You could start with the simpler projects found in my books “Arduino LED Projects” or “Arduino Robotics Projects”.
This book is intended to help you to get started building your own CNC machine. Feel free to improve upon my designs to make a better machine. It is not meant to be a professional machine and at this point can only work on wood and plastic products. By upgrading it with metal parts a more powerful CNC machine can be built.
Table of Contents
1. Design Concepts
2. Materials used (Bill of Materials)
Needed Parts - Optional Parts - Wasted Money
3. Mechanical design
Y Axis Parts - X Axis Parts - Z Axis Parts
Electronics Board
4. Mechanical assembly
Base or Y axis - Gantry or X axis - Z axis
5. The Electronics
L297 + TIP120 - A4988 “Step Stick” - TB6560
BOB (Break out Board) - Home/Limit Switches
6. CNC Pendant
X, Y, and Z switches - 555 Automatic Clock
7. Linux CNC Program
Basic Machine Setup – Parallel Port – X, Y, and Z axis
8. CNC Commands
A-Z Commands - G codes - M codes
CNC editor - Sample CNC program
9. Router Upgrade
10. Metal Frame Upgrade
11. Possible future Improvements